Thanks and best wishes for 2016
Wishing all researchers, review panel members and collaborators of the growing r4d research network a peaceful start into a creative and successful new year.
The r4d programme looks back onto a year full of activities. It selected new projects in the thematic module Public Health. It invited the projects in the thematic modules Food Security and Ecosystems as well as related projects of the thematically open reseach module to the r4d Forum 2016. It met the project teams of the thematic modules Employment and Social Conflicts during site visits in various places of the world. The thematically open research module launched its second call. The r4d Skills series had a successful start with a first event.
For 2016, we look forward to a great number of activities and collaborations.
The r4d programme management team at SNSF wishes all researchers, review panel members and collaborators of the growing research network a peaceful start into a creative and successful new year.
Photos from top left to right: Site visit Ethnic Power Relations project, New Cairo, October 2015 r4d Forum 2015 Ecosystems and Food Security, Filzbach, March 2015 Site visit Pluralistic Memories project, Colombo, October 2015 r4d Forum 2015 Ecosystems and Food Security, Filzbach, March 2015 Site visit Gender Dimensions of Social Conflicts, Geneva, September 2015 r4d Skills Transnational Research Partnerships, March 2015 Site visit Trade and Labor Market Outcomes project, Geneva, September 2015 Site visit Employment Effects project, Addis Ababa, October 2015 © Photos: Claudia Zingerli, Claudia Rutte and Marco Finsterwald