r4d Dialogue Forum - Extractive Industries: What kind of Public-Private Cooperation for Safeguarding

The r4d dialogue forum took place in November 2022 in Basel and discussed how public-private cooperation could be strengthened to mitigate potential adverse health impacts from resource extraction on health determinants, along with the promotion of health benefits in affected communities.

On 22 November 2022, the r4d dialogue forum “Extractive Industries: What kind of Public-Private Cooperation for Safeguarding Public Health?” took place in Basel, Switzerland. It was organised by cinfo in a hybrid form and brought together around 70 participants. The conference started with a panel discussion including a broad variety of stakeholders from the public and private sector and from NGOs. The second part of the meeting was dedicated to an interactive and engaging dialogue forum using the World Café method.

Audience from various sectors

A total of 23 participants took part, representing the following stakeholder groups: extractive industries/mining companies, civil society organizations, research institutions, donor organizations, and local/public health authorities. The objective was to identify concrete elements of cooperation between local/public health authorities and extractive industries/mining companies necessary for achieving successful cooperation regarding public health in the context of mineral resource extraction, building on the presentations and panel discussions in the first part of the event and on participants’ own experience and expertise.

See the r4d Dialogue Forum websiteExternal Link Icon for more information