Three Public Health projects approved
The National Research Council and its Presiding Board approved the funding recommendations of the Public Health Review Panel. Three new r4d projects will start in the beginning of 2016.
Key evaluation criteria for the selection of projects in the r4d programme are scientific quality and relevance for development. Both have equal weight. The Public Health Call was issued in July 2014. After a two-step evaluation procedure, the funding decision has now been taken.
The National Research Council and its Presiding Board approved the funding recommendations of the Public Health Review Panel. Three new r4d projects with a total budget of CHF 5.9 million over three years will start beginning of 2016. The National Research Council will decide after a mid-term evaluation about funding of the projects for another three years.
The projects in the thematic module Public Health are carried out in research partnerships with researchers in Ghana, India, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Philippines, Peru, Sri Lanka, Switzerland and Tanzania. The project titles are as follows:
- Addressing the double burden of disease: improving health systems for Noncommunicable and Neglected Tropical Diseases (Mozambique, Nepal, Peru)
- Inclusive social protection for chronic health problems (India, Malawi, Philippines, Sri Lanka)
- Health systems governance for an inclusive and sustainable social health protection in Ghana and Tanzania
More information about the projects will be available in the beginning of 2016.