SDC and SNSF launch new research programme
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) are jointly launching the "Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development" (r4d programme) with an initial call for proposals. A total budget of 97.6 million Swiss francs is available for the whole duration of the r4d programme from 2012 to 2022
The r4d programme supports interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research dedicated to solving urgent global problems. The focus will be on reducing poverty and global risks.
Research partnerships
The r4d programme consists of five thematic modules and a thematically open module. An interdisciplinary approach is strongly encouraged and research results are expected to be applied and implemented within the political and practical realms. Eligible for funding are transnational research partnership projects that consist of at least one Swiss research group and two research groups from two different developing countries; in the thematically open module: from at least one developing country.
Scientific quality and developmental relevance
The strategic responsibility for the r4d programme is borne jointly by the SDC and the SNSF. The two organisations are equally represented in the Steering Committee. The SNSF is moreover responsible for implementing the r4d programme. The individual modules will be supervised by review panels composed of international experts who will also support the projects in an advisory function. The evaluation of projects will be based in equal measure on the criteria "scientific quality" and "developmental relevance".