Video summary of r4d Science Fair West Africa, 28-30 September 2021
The r4d Science Fair West Africa took place in Bopa, Benin, from 28 to 30 September 2021. It brought together researchers and practitioners to exchange about research results, innovations and collaborations.
This video summarises the r4d Science Fair West Africa, an event of the r4d programme, that created awareness and enabled learning about evidence-based solutions to address global challenges and their take-up potential in development projects, business activities or civil society initiatives.
Representatives of 20 r4d projects and initiatives presented and discussed at the r4d Science Fair West Africa their findings in a "market place". In addition, the r4d Science Fair West Africa offered keynotes and film screenings of the research documentaries emerging from cross-project synthesis activities (i.e. " La veine verte – La renaissance agroécologique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest ", " Inequality and Conflict – Beyond us and them ").
Watch this 11:12min video on YouTube .
Local organising committee: Prof. Guy Apollinaire MENSAH, Dr. Charles Bertrand POMALEGNI, Dr. Sedjro Gilles Armel NAGO, r4d IFWA team Direction: Adrien VIMADJE Camera: Mathias de SOUZA Photography : Romaric ASSOGBA Editing: Audrey d'ALMEIDA Commentary: Sedjro Gilles Armel NAGO Voice-over: Expédit ABILLI