Three videos on Mixed Methods Research published

picture r4d Skills Mixed Methods Research

Many projects dealing with complex issues apply mixed methods research approaches. Check out the r4d Skills Mixed Methods Research videos and slides and start your team-internal reflections.

Many projects dealing with complex issues apply mixed methods research approaches. To combine research cultures and methods from different disciplines and scientific domains is time-consuming and challenging. Discussions and debates are sometimes lengthy but building a common understanding and shared methodological basis can be rewarding for interdisciplinary collaboration to play out its potential for research innovation.

The r4d programme supports researchers with its r4d Skills series to critically reflect on and constructively engage with difficult questions in the "triple challenge" of interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and transnational research partnerships. The r4d Skills series workshops usually take place in Bern, Switzerland.

On the occasion of the r4d Skills Mixed Methods Research workshop External Link Iconwith Professor Alicia O'Cathain, the r4d programme prepared key materials to be used and shared at any time and in any place in mixed research teams.

The r4d programme encourages researchers to check out the videos and slides External Link Iconand to start team-internal reflections on mixed methods research.