r4d forum oc (open call 1 and 2): Exchange and debate with 20 r4d project teams
The r4d forum oc (open call 1 and 2) seeks to connect the grantees of the first and second thematically open calls and to establish an opportunity for them to engage in dialogue regarding their r4d projects amongst each other, with the members of the review panel and with representatives from policy and practice.
The r4d forum oc aims to give ample space to the exchange of experiences, challenges and success stories, especially with regard to the r4d programme's main objectives. To this end, the event provides a platform for grantees, review panel members as well as representatives from policy and practice to come together and engage in creative dialogue. The discussion of scientific findings on and solutions to the reduction of poverty and global issues, the application of these results and the (scientific) competence in dealing with these complex issues that is increased in the process constitutes the core of the r4d forum oc. Participants will be given time for the presentation of individual projects as well as the opportunity to learn and ask questions about project objectives and progress. Apart from the goal to encourage interaction between participants, we aim to
- connect scientists working on similar topics, disciplines and research fields
- connect researchers facing similar challenges and overcoming comparable impediments
- connect groups at or towards the end of their project with groups at the outset, thus establishing a possibility for the exchange of guidance and advice among research groups at different points of their projects
- and, above all, to connect all persons invested in the attainment of the three main aims of the r4d programme, namely the delivery of scientific discoveries that tackle global issues and poverty, the utilization and application of these results as well as the resulting augmentation of expertise for the grasping of the complexity of global issues.
Please register by sending an e-mail to r4d-opencall@snf.ch .
Please find more information about the event in the invitation r4d forum oc (PDF)or about the projects on the webpage of the thematically open research module .