r4d Science Fair West Africa 2021 / Foire Scientifique Afrique de l'Ouest 2021
The r4d Science Fair West Africa creates awareness and enables learning about evidence-based solutions to address global challenges and their take-up potential in development projects, business activities or civil society initiatives. It will take place in Bopa, Benin, 28 to 30 September 2021.
Start | 28.09.2021 14:00 |
End | 30.09.2021 21:00 |
Venue | Bopa, Benin |
Registration deadline | 28.09.2021 |
Around 20 r4d research projects have been carried out in 9 countries of West Africa from 2014-2021 and about 10 follow-up initiatives are ongoing. Representatives of 20 of these r4d projects and initiatives will present and discuss at the r4d Science Fair West Africa their findings in a "research market place" . In addition to the market place, the r4d Science Fair West Africa offers keynotes and film screenings of the research documentaries emerging from cross-project synthesis activities (i.e. "La veine verte – La renaissance agroécologique de l'Afrique d'Ouest", "Inequality and Conflict – Beyond us and them").
Chronogram of the r4d Science Fair (in French and English) (PDF).
The r4d Science Fair West Africa brings together researchers, development practitioners, national and international NGOs and other groups interested in research results and evidence-based solutions. It creates sticky dialogues and enables networking at the interfaces between science, practice, policy, business and civil society.
The main languages of the r4d Science Fair West Africa are French and English.
Places on-site are limited . Participation only with valid COVID certificate (vaccination, negative test).
Confirmation of stakeholder participation will be based on selection criteria of diversity (thematic, actor group). Remote online participation will be provided by Zoom for selected parts of the r4d Science Fair.
r4d projects represented in the r4d Science Fair West Africa
Economics and Employment
Bénin: Linking Education and Labour Markets TVET4INCOME
Moçambique: Measuring the development outcomes of resource extraction in producer countries
Social Conflicts, Institutions and Politics
Nigeria: Gender Dimensions of Social conflict, Armed violence and Peacebuilding
Côte d'Ivoire: The Developmental State Strikes Back : The Rise of New Global Powers and African States' Development Strategies
Côte d'Ivoire: Ethnic Power Relations and Conflict in Fragile States
Côte d'Ivoire: Knowledge for Peace. Understanding Research, Policy, Practice Synergies
Sustainable Land Management and Food Security
Mali: Gestion des Ressource Organique pour la Fertilité des sols (ORM4Soil)
Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire: Biophysical, Institutional and Economic Drivers of Sustainable Soil Use in Yam Systems for Improved Food Security in West Africa (YAMSYS)
Bénin, Burkina Faso: Insects as Feed in West Africa (IFWA)
Ghana: Insect-based Feed and Fertilizer Production via waste transformation for small-holders in Ghana
Cameroon: Oil Palm Adaptive Landscape (OPAL)
Burkina Faso, Ghana: Synthesis: Food and nutrition security in educational institutions and communities in West Africa
Wastewater Treatment
Côte d'Ivoire: Treatment of the hospital wastewaters in Côte d'Ivoire and in Colombia by advanced oxidation processes